Saturday, August 7, 2010

Toxic People

Have you ever had an acquaintance, friend turned "frienemy", or relative that deserved to have this picture as their contact photo in your cell? There are some people that just ooze negativity and are an instant kill buzz. I wonder why is it that we keep these toxic people around. It's strange that sometimes the most negative person you know seems to have nine lives with family and friends.
Personally, I have a very small group of friends and that is primarily by choice. I chose to do a "cleanse" of those I felt served no purpose in my life. When I felt people were takers and never givers in the friendship I had with them, I quickly cut them off. If someone wasn't returning the same positive vibes I exuded out into the universe, they were cut from my team. You have to be on a constant path of positivity to be apart of my life. If you're going in a certain direction in life I would think you would want to surround yourself with like minded people. Just because you have known a person for a certain amount of time doesn't guarantee them a spot in your life. 

When you look up one day wondering why your drained after talking to a friend because you felt as if you have been talking in circles, it isn't hard to figure out. Some people aren't at a point in their life where they are comfortable enough with themselves to be open minded, motivated, and supportive of others. When I pledged into my sorority, I learned that I have control in every aspect of my life. Something so simple had never been clear to me before that process. So if I have control over who is in my life and if I don't like how they treat me, then why keep them around? If the mere act of talking or interacting with someone is mentally draining on a regular basis then that means they were only meant to last a season in my life and not my lifetime! Positive thoughts+positive people+positive actions= POSITIVE RESULTS!!!

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