Wednesday, August 4, 2010

His Lady...His Everything

Can you love him enough to be more than just his lady?
Can you be not only his lady but his lover?
His wife
His girlfriend 
His "friend girl"
His homie, his stylist
His "potna", his biggest fan
The one to tell him on his worst day that he's still the man

Can you be his teammate?
His nurse and doctor 
His professor

Can you be the one that he can count on?
The one that he knows that when the chips are down, you won't fold
The one that can assure him that his deepest secrets will never be told

Can you be his chef?
His first choice for the mother of his seeds
The one he will gladly let lead
His spiritual companion, and so much more
Again I ask, can you love him enough to be MORE than just his "lady"?

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