Have you ever had the unbearable feeling to scream, "Can you hear me now?" Many of you make think that I am referring to the shoddy cell phone service we all experience from time to time but I am not. Sometimes you can talk to someone, whether it be your family, friends, or significant other, until you are damn near blue in the face. After you have done all of that yapping, you still seem to feel that they have not heard what you are saying.
There are times when we must all speak with our actions because words have so little value in todays world. A woman can tell her man that she wants to spend more time with him a thousand times but he may not "hear" her until she finds a new hobby to pass her time. Sometimes people do not hear your words because they may have their own issues they're battling with in the realms of their minds or they may take your words for granted. If someone is dealing with something personally, thats understandable but wouldn't it be nice it they could just say so instead of throwing the fake ear to you? Just speak up people. On the other hand if that person is taking your words for granted then you have a problem Houston. No one should ever become too comfortable. Everyone knows the old saying, "Tomorrow is never promised." The one day that someone goes unheard could be the day they were on edge.
The number one thing I love about my mom above everything else is that whenever I needed to talk to her no matter what it may have been about or what she may have been doing at the time, she always listened to me. She never made me feel as if I wasn't being heard. Thats why until this very day I believe she can proudly say that she knows who her daughter is. There are a lot of parents who didn't leave the communication lines open with their children and have no idea who their children really are at the core.I guess growing up with someone so willing to listen and who taught me how to be a sincere listener, may be the reason why it shocks me when others aren't the same.
Parents listen to your kids, if you won't the wrong person will. Siblings attempt to hear one another out. Friends lend an open ear because you never know if your friends are on edge. Boyfriends/girlfriends listen to your significant other because that's a great way to show your love and appreciation for them because their words shouldn't be taken for granted.
You are so correct on this topic. We all must take the time to listen to one another. If more people would learn how to do more listening the world would be a better place.